Call for Papers: Special Issue on “IEEE-NANOMED 2021: Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering”


IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology (OJ-NANO)
Special Issue on
“IEEE-NANOMED 2021: Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering”

IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology (OJ-NANO), a new gold fully open access journal launched in 2020 by IEEE Nanotechnology Council, publishes research advancing the theory, design and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering and industrial applications. The journal has an independent editorial board, established peer-review process, is targeting a ten-week rapid publishing schedule and is fully compliant with funder mandates, including Plan S. Your work will be exposed to 5 million unique monthly users of the IEEE Xplore®Digital Library. IEEE OJ-NANO is now indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Clarivate Analytics, as well as accepted for inclusion in Scopus®, meaning that articles are discoverable in Web of Science and Elsevier’s abstract & citation database! This development indicates increased visibility and profile for both the journal and its published articles, demonstrating IEEE OJ-NANO is a reliable and high-quality source of information in the field of nanotechnology. Furthermore, ESCITM indexing is a necessary precursor to a journal being accepted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)TM with an Impact Factor. IEEE OJ-NANO is now under consideration for SCIE.

IEEE OJ-NANO will devote a special issue/section on “IEEE-NANOMED 2021: Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering” to a collection of papers highlighting research and technology development in the field of nanobiotechnology, molecular engineering, micro/nano-fluidics, micro/nano-system integration, nano-biology and nanomedicine. IEEE Nanotechnology Council sponsors the 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2021) held on 15-18 November 2021 to foster interaction between physicians, scientists and engineers in these emerging areas.

NOTE: IEEE OJ-NANO will waive 50% of the APC (Article Publishing Charge) for papers accepted for publication in the NANOMED 2021 special issue!

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Nano and molecular technologies in medical theranostics
  • Nanotechnology in drug delivery
  • Biomedical imaging
  • Bio/Nano sensing
  • Biochips and Bio-MEMS
  • Biomechatronics
  • Biological interface
  • Cells at the nanoscale
  • Frontiers in nanobiotechnology
  • Translational medicine

Submissions are solicited from the IEEE-NANOMED 2021 conference participants and other researchers in the field for a review paper or a research paper for this themed issue. Manuscripts will be subject to the TNB normal peer review procedures (see: If your manuscript is based on the IEEE-NANOMED 2021 paper, the manuscript must build significantly on it, with at least 30% of the submitted results representing new research. Additional text, figures and references are obligatory, and no passages of texts or figures should be identical to your conference paper as this could breach copyright. A nearly exact duplicate of the conference paper will be rejected.

Manuscripts for IEEE OJ-NANO must be prepared using the “IEEE manuscript template” and “Information for Authors” at; and be submitted on-line via the IEEE Manuscript Central found at On submission to IEEE OJ-NANO, authors should select the “Special Issue: IEEE-NANOMED 2021” as a manuscript type instead of “Regular Paper.” Also, indicate in the cover letter that you wish the paper to be considered for the Special Issue “Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering”.


Manuscript Submission July 31, 2022
Anticipated Publication November 30, 2022

Guest Editors:

Jin-Woo Kim, Ph.D.
Professor, Biological Engineering and Nanoscience & Engineering
University of Arkansas, USA

Kin Fong Lei, Ph.D.
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Chang Gung University, Taiwan

Da-Jeng Yao, Ph.D.
Professor, Power Mechanical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan